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Global Renewal is a network of leadership training centers, anti-human trafficking efforts, and local community development initiatives with one goal in mind:



Leadership Training & Education

Global Renewal believes that educating leaders transforms nations. That’s why we train leaders all over Southeast Asia with the goal of becoming agents of transformation in their respective communities. Students in programs by Global Renewal study theology, leadership training, community development, and how to combat trafficking. This is where transformation begins.

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Global Renewal Micro-Business Opportunities

In every country we serve, we search out areas where families are low on financial resources and partner with them to send children to school and parents to work. Global Renewal will then work with parents by providing local community groups, parenting courses, and education in micro-business opportunities because we believe education is the key to community transformation.

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Community Outreach

Community Outreach Programs by Global Renewal are designed to change the societal mindset of cultures that devalue children and tolerate exploitation by bringing a new realization of hope and purpose to individuals, families, and communities in need. We establish Learning Centers and Community Outreach Programs in low income areas, HIV impacted communities, and brothel villages to teach valuable life skills, parenting courses, and offer mentorship to those who may resort to human trafficking as a means of survival.

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Global Renewal Anti-Trafficking Efforts

The purpose of the Global Renewal anti-trafficking efforts are to step-in, intervene, and rescue the innocent victims of forced labor or sex trafficking across Southeast Asia. We do this by providing safe homes for rescued victims, education, and leadership training to transform the societal mindset of cultures that devalue children and tolerate exploitation.

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Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

Global Renewal believes in using all forms of education to transform individuals, communities, and nations. Whether that’s sending a child to school for $10 a month, establishing Learning Centers in disadvantaged communities, or educating a group of women in jewelry-making as a means of financial stability for their families—we believe education is where transformation begins. (And we have thousands of students who would agree.) 



Dedicated to life change and transformation.

In 2006, Global Renewal launched our first training center in Southeast Asia to educate and equip local leaders with the hope of transforming negative social patterns through education and new micro-business opportunities for a single community.

Today, Global Renewal has a network of training centers, an alumni of leaders, significant anti-human trafficking efforts, and local community development initiatives all over Southeast Asia with one goal in mind:

Positive life change and transformation for every human.
